--> are those needs or wants ?
welL ,, i ,, myself ,, can directly state that these can be both NEEDS and WANTS .
NEEDS .. because those stuffs contribute a lot of help in our daily cycle throughout our life .. iN OUR STUDiES , in the first place .. how does it help us in our studies ? damn ! simply by just needing various search engines such as GOOGLE and YAHOO! ,, which are such of the leading search engines in the world wide web .,, to be able to have and jot down the necessary information in our daily education ,, which are elements used in the internet ..
not yet satisfied ?
welL ,, i can stilL prove this statement that those stuffs can be considered as NEEDS ..
yet by using YAHOO! MESSENGER ,, FRiENDSTER ,, FACEBOOK ,, MULTiPLY ,, etc . for communication .. and communication is a need .
wew ! too much for that ..
WANTS .. simply and absolutely because in every way and times ,, COMPUTERS and CHATROOMS are NOT ALWAYS necessary and yet ,, i'm addicted to it ! hahaha !
iN YOUR OWN OPiNiON ,, are these stuffs NEEDS or WANTS !?
uyeah ! hahaha ! pEace mga kabagang !